Elixir Wealth Advisory exhibited and presented for General Practitioners during 11-13 November 2016 at the General Practice Conference & Exhibition (GPCE) – Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. The workshop was titled:
“Financial Awareness & Entrepreneurship in General Practice“
13 Nov 2016, 8:30am
The workshop session discussed the financials skills and awareness that can help GPs build successful careers, focusing on the skills required to grow and maintain a patient base. It outlined the role of financial consultants in liberating physicians’ time, assisting them to delegate non-clinical tasks as medical entrepreneurs. Request a copy
RACGP Cat2 QI&CPD Accredited Training
Our journey with Health Professionals, Physicians and Dentists began several years ago. Elixir Wealth Advisory’s directors had the privilege of serving Doctors in advisory capacities and found a special interest in financial consultancy and tax advisory for medical professionals.
We appreciate and comprehend the milestones of a medical career, understand the lifestyle and money management requirements for every stage and have developed specific wealth planning blueprints for you.
The approach that we have adopted at Elixir Wealth Advisory is one of a red carpet service. Our client proposition is unparalleled, unique, highly specific and is value & results driven.
We often come across cases of inappropriate advice provided to medical professionals and seek to remedy and definitively improve situations [more…]
Consultant SpecialistsHighly specific tax and revenue management model for running an efficient billing system and managing your administrative burden. Consult with us on your plans to acquire interest in practices, rooms and legal structures. |
Principal GPsDiscuss complexities with acquiring new GPs for your practice. Obtain specific and highly effective bookkeeping guide-lines for your practice manager to minimise administration and achieve a desirable tax outcome.
Employed DoctorsEngage with us for our specialist tax service for young doctors. Elixir Wealth Advisory’s tax division employs special tax rulings that governs tax obligation for medical professionals. Discuss with us plans for doing locum work and how our blueprint financial management strategies can help you.
Retiring DoctorsSpeak with us on your retirement plans, asset accumulation and part time practice. In most cases through our strategies, physicians considering transitioning to retirement are able to work less hours.
Rural PhysiciansElixir Wealth Advisory warmly accommodates engaging with regional doctors – we can come to you. Connect with us to discuss your employment arrangement and billing splits with the practice and benefit from our highly unique tax and wealth management for GPs.
Hospital StaffHospital staff and practice administration staff have access to specialised wealth management service at Elixir Wealth Advisory. We manage the full financial suite for nurses and specialised nurses. Due to the nature of our relationships, medical support professions have select access to discounted products and services.
The Elixir Difference
Every enterprise recognises itself with a mission or vision statement. A belief that defines an organisation and portrays a purpose of existence.
The vision at Elixir Wealth Advisory is “Exclusive & Insightful“. We specialise in providing preeminent Medical Financial Services, Medical Accounting and Medical Wealth services on an exclusive & private basis. Our professional experiences, qualifications and industry connections have enlightened us to provide deep insight and unique intellectual property for the benefit of our clients.
We have assembled a highly integrated and prestigious engagement model to consult with you on wealth in all of its elaborate aspects. Interaction with our practice is meaningful and it is highly thought through within our client proposition. [engagement]
In our humble belief, health care specialists are the most dedicated professionals in our society with a calling for contribution and care. And this, sets a true and transparent obligation for us to serve you with the best of our ability.
You have the healing power, you have the Elixir…